Daily doses of fashion, music and lifestyle



Wassup, wassup, wassssssuppppp!!!??? ( in Martin Lawrence´s voice) So I´m reporting to you what is up in my Journalism 2.0 class. As you all know, Genesis LOVES to talk! No matter where I am at ( classroom, streets, stage, in front of the cameras) I feel that everyone has an idea that will help someone out. So why am I talking about my love of talking? Oh yeah, Podcasting. What is podcasting? According to Ipodder, Podcast is " no different than a webcast, a show that is broadcast over the web and is broken up into parts or episodes" There are many people out there that have wonderful ideas, stories or just love to talk and give advice on different topics but feel uncomfortable writing or feel wierd talking to a camera. Podcasting is awesome because you are able to create a topic, record yourself talking, add music to it, edit it and upload it anywhere you want...twitter, blogger, facebook, wordpress and etc. Check out my recent post. I have attached a podcast about "Traveling to Spain with your boyfriend/girlfriend on a budget"

Marketing....what is it? According to Marketplace, Marketing is "the social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others." As a Public Relations ( Marketing Major), I can say that if you are trying to sell a product whether its a song to the target audience, your fashion line or your beats, it is important to design a marketing plan that not only fits what you are trying to do.  There are many different tactics but the easiest and very effective tactics are Social networks. 
I found an helpful video on Youtube that explains some rules for using social networks to market. 


Due to the rapid increase in the use of social and media networks, it is believed that it is easier and more effective to target audiences by using the different networks. In today´s world, it is normal to see different political ads featured on sites. Using social networks to reach out to more people in a shorter span of time is not only more effective but it can also reach out to so many different people( age, social status, educational level, ethnicity and etc.) 

Lipstick paid a visit to one of the most known radio stations in Catalunya, Barcelona- Catalunya Radio. I was impressed once I walked in because it felt extremely comfortable- although I walked in with a famous Spanish actor- in which I had no idea until I was told by my professor aka "The coolest Journalist I've met" As I toured the building, I visited most of the departments- "news room", "editting room", the actual room where the radio shows are recorded- and many more.  As I walked around, I came to the conclusion (again) that to be in the Media industry, it is important to know people and network. Not only that but it is also about being able to work on your toes, work under pressure and also be able to work with other people. Each department had its own task, but at the end of the day, they were working for the same person- to deliver news to the public. 

February 21,2011

February 16, 2011

I bet that when you read the title of this post, you wondered what the heck is Genesis going to talk about. But it is not as hard as it sounds. According to Mark Glaser , Citizen Journalism is " The idea behind citizen journalism is that people without professional journalism training can use the tools of modern technology and the global distribution of the Internet to create, augment or fact-check media on their own or in collaboration with others" Meaning that, YOU can report news without a Journalism degree. Its all about sources, creditibility, etiquette and being effective.
You can inform people about a music showcase and post pictures. you dont necessarily need a blog site to do this- you can use twitter as well. As an independent artist, it is very important to gain a fan base and actually be known for something besides providing them with music. You need to gain as much attention as possible to gain new sources. All you have to do is chose a topic and report about it. For example, you want to specialize in New music. You can create articles or mini posts about the top 10 of the week, beef in the music industry and even who is hot and who is not. 
In effectively using facebook, microblogging and blogging, you can create a tangible image that will result you in acknowledgement and respect.


February 9, 2011

Twitter has been becoming more popular by the day. We all hear all this talk about twitter, but do we really know what is twitter? According to Tweeternet.com, Twitter is  is a social networking and microblogging service that allows you answer the question, "What are you doing?" by sending short text messages 140 characters in length, called "tweets", to your friends, or "followers." Below are the top reasons why YOU should use twitter.
1. you get to find out breaking news
2. Promote blogs, websites and events
3. quick, short, instant
4. Get followers who are potential fans
5. Create an online identity
6. Know your competitor´s secrets by following them on twitter
7. It is very easy to engage with people

February 3,2011
Our generation loves to be connected. We love to know what our friends, family, fans and basically everyone is doing. Many people misinterpret social networks and refuse to use it. However, Social networks are very effective. Social networks can actually be used professionally! There are sites such as "Linked in" in which you can connect with professionals and network. For example, lets say you are an independent artist and you want to build a fan base.  You can create a profile on a social network, for example Facebook and actually interact with people.  You can market your music, videos and even promote your Ustream account,website and blog site.You can network with actual people who are in the music industry and you are just one click away from interacting with professionals and sending your music over. Social Networks makes it easy to promote and market. 


January 30, 2011
Although blogging has become a big sensation in the past years, many of us do not clearly understand how it came about, how it benefits us and how to properly manage a blog site. As a proud blogger, I can say that there are many advantages with personal blog sites. 
1. Blogs are very popular because they allow interactivity and permit everyone to participate and create more interesting and better news. Meaning that you are in control of what you want to talk about. Many people will have the same interest as you and will connect to your blog site. This will automatically create a community of networking.
2. Because viewers are able to view your blog, the comments they leave will help you understand who is your targeted audience. Its so beautiful how you are able to self manage the blog site and actually have a passive relationship with the viewers. Viewers are able to participate in your postings.
3. Blog sites is a direct tool to communicate with people and actually create a name for yourself! This is possible through effective tagging and promotion of your site.
The most important thing is that YOU are the boss of your site. Meaning that you can post what interests you and actually connect with people at the same time. So why not give it a try? What is there to lose? Or what is there to gain!? Only creating one will show you! You can use Blogger- which is the one I use, Wordpress and there are many more.


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